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this is me n my bro's gf kak yana :) |
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me ,ziela n kak yana <3 |
duhhh..tomorrow i've to go back..
miss my room...im gonna continue paint my room which is undone yet..
gawd...i just received a good text from my friend,silah..
there's a-lovey-dovey-part-time-job for me..obviously at jusco s2..;)
i'll start working this 26 until 9th may.it's quite worth for me..i mean bout the payment..
they pay rm5/hour..and i'll be working for 8 hours...but..there's no off day for the whole 2 weeks..this turned me off at first..but i've no other options aite.ok..it's not a big deal btw.
yesterday was fucking great..
mula2 planned nak hang out wit amani and kwn dia...tapi
bcz of ade sikit hal ape tah with amani tu..so malas la..
i hang out with my cousin and my bro's gf..kak yana and ziela.(pic semue kat ats ni).hee..
i tot tak jadi as kak yana said baru bangun at 7.30..ye lah..she came all the way from sremban which it takes bout an hour to serdang..ok..takpela..tak pergi..
then my sis said..nvm if you still wanna join 'em just pergi..so..i've made up my mind..
ok..i'm done...bersiap menunggu..at 8.30 dorang sampai..
then gerak la..pergi pavi..jalan2 kejap..dah bosan lepak la lecka-lecka..
shisha shisha..minum2..mkn icecream..hihi.. ;)
lepas tu ala tibe tibe hujan..duhhh..kene stop shisa-ing sbb tak boleh ade asap kat dalam..hurm.bru teringat..dekat kl live centre ada RECHARGE. hmm.best lah if dapat lepak with friends especially DANIEL, FARAH AND OF COURSE LAH AFLYN ..
hope bf aku tatau..;p mls bgtau benda mcam ni..nanti kantoy lahh lepak with laki lain..(padahal kawan je pun)..baek senyap2 *wink*
ok...sambung balik ..alamak..lame pulak hujan ni..hurm..takpela..gerak je la dulu..
sebab kitorang mule2 nak pergi karaoke tapi tak jadi..kak yana nak jumpe is lagi pun lepas tu..dah jumpe kejap, then gerak gi putra..makan2.minum2..sampai rumah around pukul 1.30 ..semua pun dah tido..
then smbung la wat ape yg ptut kat uma..~ :)
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